Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pirate has sailed off (Vicky's last post)

Last week we had a hotel client come visit the centre and her enthusiasm for the work we’ve achieved here was very motivating. We introduced her to each of our patients and then she accompanied us to set the terrapin traps down in the side-road ponds. It’s encouraging to see how keen some of the clients are to learn more about the centre’s projects.

Friday we released Pirate into the wild. It was the first time I assisted in a patient’s discharge so that was a great experience. We put him down next to the pond we had previously found him in and before you know it he was gone.

Last week, for the time, we also tried out the new water-quality test kit (testing for ammonia, acidity, alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite and general hardness level). We did a try out test in a side-road pond and then Friday we tested pond 2 and 3.

So my last week here at the centre is finally over. I recommend anyone who has any interest in learning about amazing endemic and non-endemic species, plants and the general wildlife of Seychelles to come and volunteer here at the Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Centre. 

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